Sunday, December 21, 2008

In Lijiang

hi everyone,
first of all, happy 冬至

then I would like you to know, I arrived safely in Lijiang now, after 5 consecutive days of bus ride. Right at this moment I just finished my shower and sitting in the dark in a courtyard, silence is the only sound I hear and coldness is the only thing I feel.

I am excited about this trip from Lhasa to Lijiang, 2200km is not jokingly difficult but I made it and I am pretty proud of it. Lijiang is too romantic a place for 2 guys to travel, I am feeling quite shocked when I just came to the old town, miss those days when we cruise in Fenghuang, Xitang and Yangshuo. I will keep you posted when I finally settled down somewhere.

Take care my dear friends

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


我可以向你保证,除了办公室恋情——也就是说在公司允许的情况下合理合法的情侣夫妻关系之外,办公室性爱的数量之多范围之广远远超出了你的想象。这种同事之间的男女关系,还要先排除上司对下属的性骚扰、性胁迫等等非正常现象,也不包括自带男女朋友来办公室里探班式性爱,然后它所表现出来的,是纯粹的性,以及 “春药”的投射,这个我一会再解释给你听,因为每次想起来的时候,我都觉得……我找不到言语来形容这种无趣又绝望的关系。





Sunday, December 7, 2008


我现在坐在日喀则(西藏第二大城市)的一个网吧,窗外可以看到太阳和月亮,屋里很暖,但已经可以感觉的外面寒风凛冽。明天早上我会奔赴江孜,去看看BBC著名纪录片《A YEAR IN TIBET》里的那个民风淳朴的小镇,然后放弃羊卓雍错(因为没有旅伴一起去)直奔拉萨。

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tibet finally

I know I have updated that I am going to Tibet tomorrow, so now I will cut my crap.
I am still in Kathmandu and rotting here everyday in a really cheap hotel for just 2 dollars a night with breakfast! From CHD I sent 7 KG books and bags home and from here I sent another 16 KG. God knows how I can carry the load if I am going to take all of them with me.

Yesterday I called my dad and he fully support my decision of going to Mt.Everest base camp at 5200m. Dad, you are biggest support, financially and spiritually. I am glad you are here.:)

I am basically rotting in KTM everyday. My daily routine involvces a 2-3 hour walk around Thamel and 2 movies in the morning or at night. Between all these activities I will go to a tiny local food stall for cheap food. I want to do more but have no more money to spend and no more time, I am regaining my "beer belly". I do think in Tibet I will gain more since I can have more cheap Chinese food there.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

measuring Nepal with my feet

Seems that I have deserted here since I started my trip back home, but the fact is of course not. I am now still in KTM with no money in the pocket and so many things to do. Even though I am feeling happy about life here.
KTM is not my cup of tea, but it is still pretty charming with all the old Nepali buildings and stupas. Since I need to save money, the street momo stalls have been my recent pick for lunch. A plate of 10 momos for just 20-30 rupees which is 25-30 cents USD. Tomorrow I need to switch a hotel just to save 50 rupees a night but I am happy about that.
Met the Russian guy who sat with me on the way to Chitwan again here and we decided to do something together here. It's always good to have somebody to talk to:)
Just checked the weather in Lhasa, damn it, -5 degrees celcius.